
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Form 4

It's almost new year... once again, time has unexpectedly flew right by without consent. Almost all my days were spent facing my computer screen, books, and weeds. (there goes my eyesight)
Well, this time, I'm not gonna tell you how I wasted my holidays because believe it or not, I feel contented and I'm waiting to start wearing crisp white shirts and tacky green slacks again. (no sarcasm intended)

Furthermore, next year will be a very important year. That's when I'll be moving up the educational ladder: I'll be Form 4!!

Form 4, where our subjects will be focused on our chosen streams.
Have you chosen yours yet?
Just like little fishes swimming up stream. As we swim further inland, forks in the river will force us to choose paths. Each path promising different obstacles we must face in the future.

So, which path do we take?
Well, if you were a fish in my school, the smart ones are always urged to choose classes from the science stream, and the not-so-smarts ones are given the others, like arts.
they always tell us, we are free to choose whatever we like but sometimes it just seems so bias.
What happened to learning? That's the reason we're in schools right? To learn is our biggest responsibility. But for one thing, the subject doesn't choose you, you choose the subject.

The class division should be based on your interest other than your ability. Like people say, when there's will, there's a way!
So, choose wisely. Ask yourself, do you really want to learn this? Is this what you see yourself in 20 years?

Donald Trump's quote: To be successful, you must enjoy what you do.

That's right, never let the numbers in your paycheck cloud your decision no matter how many digits they are! Would you rather be rich or happy?
remember this.
Like what you do, do what you like.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Eddie's 15!!!

Lucky Eddie's day is today,
So here I'm blogging just to say,
Act your age! Be a man!
If not, you'll never get your Gwen.

And remember whenenver you're teased,
About being a (*cough cough*) shawty, that is,
A man ain't measured by his height,
But actually through his wallet's might.

As i'm sitting here writing this,
You're probably in a pub taking swigs,
Though I'm don't want to spoil the mood,
Make sure you don't wake up with another dude,

So Happy Birthday, i say through text,
Have fun and make sure you survive till the next,
Before i leave you with your celebrating,
"Ya lar, I know, i srewed up genting.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Halfway down the road

Yo. Kj here. Well, it's already december. Yes, old father time suddenly took flight and wizzed by under our very noses.
So. Here am i to torment you on how you wasted your precious time.
Pretty soon we'll all be back in desks, facing the same teachers
as we surf the pages of our loathsome text books.

Ok lah. I won't be a wet blanket for you guys lah. Enjoy what you have now. Well i'm certaintly
enjoying my days. Just chilling. Okay. Maybe more like sleeping and couch potato-ing. Hehe.
Just enjoy that blissed moment of complete nothingness.

So. Lesson of the day. Don't think of what's at the end of the road. Focus on your journey. Record every step. Cherish every moment. Live!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hey. i was checking out Namewee's new video on Youtube (Namewee *&^% TNB) .
Well, that's when I inserted a new topic into my cranial forum, the freedom of expression.
As many democratic countries there are, the freedom of expression is one necessity that must be granted. We have power to speak and express whatever we want to. Heck, I'm even doing it now.
Still, many people think we're not given the whole deal here.
Well, from the video comments, I can see the rakyat is making a big brouhaha out of this freedom. Putting it into trivial matters. As I read the comments one by one, it really saddens me (sampai boleh menitis air mata) how people argue among one another. It ashames me that these people are Malaysians. Let me show you couple of those comments. (some are kinda vulgar, seriously!!!)

You not only drop our chinese reputation, you also put us malaysian's reputation at risk by posting this on youtube!! Talk about patriotic duh

Dear Namewee, I agree with you that break downs really caused alot of troubles and I also quite mad about it. But there's no need to go to the office shouting @^$($! here and there, really drop us Chinese 'water face'

desire817 <LOL>
Hello boss, I'm chinese. Look at my face it's yellow, look at my skin, it's yellow! And my favorite lunch is Char Siew Fan!Obviously I'm trying to make a joke that there are some stupid chinese. Don't join those group.

this shows how INEFFICIENT tnb muar is. from the way they talk, they way they handle the situation, the way they respond was poor. the staff working were giving tnb a bad name.

First thing first, I'm a racist. Why? Because Melayu bodoh and Chinese so hai.This is what they call the "first world facility, third world maintenance".If you're a Malaysian, migrate. Because the cops are crocked, the politician corrupted and the citizen lazy. Live some where else and contribute to the world. To be honest, Malaysia is god forsaken country. For those of you who think you can change thing around by "voting" then good luck lah.

People listen up: 10 million internet users are watching Youtube each day, just this video alone already exceeded 10,000 views. Before you post another angry comment, let's all of us slow down a little start to be objective.The issue here is a corporation in Malaysia, named TNB who have failed to do its job properly. So our comment, be it good or bad, shall be focused on the company.This has absolutely nothing to do with races. Malay kah, Chinese kah, Indian kah, have nothing to do with it.

TNB semua makan Babi jilat Pussy,TNB never fully give their responsibility..TNB only know collecting Money and cut ur electricity...TNB Tiu Nia Bu...TNB,nama saya Shawn Lee

I have to agree with fredooi2. It doesn't help by using poison against poison. Namewee bro, I truly share your frustration and I would be so fxxking mad too if lost my work just because some people failed to do their job. But two wrongs do not make one right. TNB might just turn around and sue you back for defamation, and when that happens, not only you get yourself in trouble, 麻玻还是继续停电!

So, there you go... see how 'responsible' and 'mature' these youtubers are.
Although I do agree that TNB is a u-know-what and can go you-know-where but what that dear Namewee did is kind of too much.
Sure, it brings up these problem so that the goverment can fix them up and he IS speaking out for our rights, but Namewee oh Namewee, why did you have to go show this to the whole youtube world.
Sure, our country needs to be put on the map but this is BAD PUBLICITY...
Pretty soon you'll see tourists flocking to the TNB building in Muar..
"look mom! That Namewee guy was here when he shouted TNB (*cough cough*) etc"

Not only that, because of this, not only the quality of our infrastructure is questioned, it brings in a whole lot of other BAD BAD BAD topics. The government, religion, racial issues blah blah...
C'mon.. here's a note to all expressionists, Bloggers, Vloggers, Youtubers, from the moment we signed up for these accounts, we were given this responsibility. Whatever we upload or write about is on a free show for all eyes to see. So, not only for the sake of our 'water face', think about our country, dear MALAYSIA.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

post PMR boredom

With the exams over ( i know, my posts are always PMR this, PMR that),
I can finally get back life! This frog is getting out of his coconut shell. I shall return to the world!!!
Still, i'm waiting for that little ounce of freedom i was promised.
But even if i were given the keys to my parental lock, for the time being I just want to rest, relax and reenter another world. A world connected by data highways where one could go anywhere one wanted.
The internet of course....

back to chatting, blogging, youtubing, illegal mp3 downloading and the sort. ok.. youtubing's not a word.

my school as the wet blanket it is, is making our break a boring one.

In a desperate attempt to keep their Form 3s from running wild..thanks to the school there will be talks and more talks and lectures about our future.
I wouldn't have mind if they were more fun or entertaining.. really
Today we had talks in the hall, unattentive's word and it's only the first day..
The funny thing is, these talks are actually chasing the pupils away.
day by day more and more are playing hooky..

By the way, our class planned a mass tardy tomorrow. It will be a sight when half of 3 Amanah fail to show up tomorrow.

Sorry.. was i being too critical about the talks?
like i said, i would gladly listen to these talks (as they tell us more about the classes we'll be going to next year) if they were the least more interesting than watching paint dry.
Although i do already know which class i wil go when i'm in Form 4.
gee, where are Harith Iskandar, Russel Peters or even Achmed ( the dead terrorist!!!!) when you need them...

till the paint dries
Good bye.

Monday, October 19, 2009

what lies ahead after PMR?

Okay.. as i'm emptying my head with all the facts, equations, and the sort which I had to painfully memorize, I really wonder, what do I do now? Party like there's no tomorrow? well. sure but i don't think we can do that all the way till next year.

This time.. i will make my break a meaningful one. A one to remember when I'm sitting on my CEO chair or even my rocking chair.
Do you guys have anything installed?
okay, okay. I'm prying. It's still too early for that. we're still brushing off the PMR dust.

Still, it really is food for thought. I'm 15. What can i do..
for one thing..
I really want to do some serious blogging...
In order to achive global recognition (yeah yeah, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride)
I have decided to change my blog output.
I will talk about more general and open topics cuz i don't think people really want to know what i had for supper.
Soooo... prepare for a more serious KJ (god forbid)

Crystal clear

Salutations. I'm still in a state of shock. PMR's actually over! sigh.... time flies.
I remember..
as i exited the examination hall for the last time..
I had this rush of emotions. along with
this elation of stress... it was wonderful.
it was like out with the bad in with the good.. My mind was as clear as an SKII comercial girl.
For the first time i could actually go to bed without the slightest thought about exams, school or whatever lies tomorrow.
Ok.. i won't drag long about this. i know that every Form 3 boy or girl can relate with me on this one.

So.. with exams out of the way. I can finally continue blogging full time. And i really mean it.
*sniff* ahhhh it feels good to be back.. And i wonder who else is back?
Returning to the blogosphere, I am very pleased that there are others who still share the passion of blogging. Cheers everyone!! We're one big/small comunity.

So.. are you guys in or what? Holler at me. drop a comment or somthing.. let me know

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tap tap tap

Alrite. Just a quicky. Using my phone. Well. As we all know. PMR.s here. Ugh. A time all form 3s must face. So.... Are ye ready? Hmm thats good. Well its different for me tho. I feel evasperated. The finishing line is just right in front of me but the fatigue's just to much to bear. Part of me just wants to take off my running shoes and call it quits. My chance of gold crumbling in front of me.i do not know what to do. Seems like im cracking under all this pressure. A dilemma i must face.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Its just not right.what happened here. After coming back from my long and temporary leave from everything that's internetty,
This is what i get?!? Wow, so its true. Bloggings dead and gone. A barren waste land with not the littlelest sign of life
well, I guess nothing can be done to reignite the will to blog. Just another fad huh? still, it might not seem like it but I'm not backing down bloggy! Its pmr crunch time. So I'll be digging my nose into textbooks for quite some time. So please tahan until I'm back. And I'll be back. That my sworn promise as a blogger.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kev jambu

hey...just a quick update..

i got this from Kev Jambu...check out his new channel
he came out after eating at a sushi restaurant..
then, he meets a homeless guy who asks him a riddle..i f Kev manages to guess what it is. he gets a dollar, if not he loses a quarter...
SO.. it goes..

The maker doesn't want it,
The buyer doesn't use,
The user doesn't see it.

Kev answers Swine Flu.. hahahah

well. at the end..
it was a coffin

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is anybody there????

Hey.... yes.... blogging's almost dead. I'm probably one of the last ones.. Everyone's either stopped posting regularly or completely dropped blogging..

well.. that sucks actually haha.

I remember how it all started.... It happened one by one and pretty soon.. boom!!

Everyone's ablogging...

guess it was just a trend huh... ugh.. there were so many one flings.. a couple of them that i remember are Blubet of course.. haha and Freindster too.. what else? hmm.

So.. i guess blogging already passe? lol..


I'll never stop baybeh!!!

Blogger 4 eva!!!

Well. School's a pain in the butt... I know we have the dreaded PMR this year so there's all this hype. Extra classes,home work, kerja kursuses, and those dreaded trials..

What is up with them?!? i say just leave us alone so we can actually do some studying.. or laze around.

So.. I can't really blog much this time... i'm really sorry!!

Oh and by the way,

I'm asking all of my faithful viewers. yes you!! what's left of them anyway. aloo?

I'm actually thinking of moving up class.. you know, Wordpress?

It's just so freaking neat.

i mean. it emits this kind of Superior or professional wave...

Blogger is more for newbies.. I think i've grown.. can i do it?.

Still.. will you guys actually follow me? i mean.. I'm not even sure if people are reading this blog anymore.. my fault for not updating huh?

On another note..

Hey.. don't take this as propaganda or something but have you heard of Foong's Forum? it's not really his. he just created it.. but it's cool but we need more members.. join join join, i feel like a missionary you know.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I was a emo

Yes, heard it right? But don't worry..i'm back to normal.. chances of a relapse are about 50.50 la..

Well.. i did what a emo would do...
being alone.
Skipping classes.
considering suicide.

you know.. so on, so on

it's just.. i never thought high school would be so stressful. 
i always thought stress was something adults would get.. and occasionally, some kid with family issues.. 

well, for those considering dousing that container of panadol active fast..
Stop! Take long breaths and count to ten.. after that.. read on for my ultimate recipe for stress-free life!!!

                                                         stress-free cookies 

for these cookies.. you won't need a kitchen or an oven. just big empty land. (as far from any police stations)

hear are the ingredients

1. 7 folios (more if you have any)
2. Homework (your choice)
3. Every freaking thing that reminds you of the problem you are facing..
    School? bag, uniform
    Love? a pic of him/her, him/her?

Now...collect all of the above..
add 2 cans of lighter fluid and watch your troubles disappear into thick black smoke...

and remember..fumes from burning girlfriends are poisonous..
try not to inhale any..
happy baking

Friday, March 20, 2009

Yes man

After watching this movie, do you guys go "cool. i think i'll do that!"

Well, that's what i did.

Not in a sense that i say yes to everything freaking thing but more of taking opportunities that your sane self would usually decline without delay.

Well, i'm still doing it but i have my limits ok.

Let's see.

Thanks to my new way of life, i'm now in the choir club.
I'm a tenor. What does that mean? It's a joy watching the teachers sing. Who knew huh.. All you ever hear from them is a "Selamat Sejahtera" or the occasional
"Hey...Nak Kena Demerit ke?" haha. It's all right la.. though i must admit, it's kinda gay.

Gee, wat else? I'm on the school debate team. There's an inter-school comp coming along and i still have no idea the ins and outs of debating.

Seriously, written and spoken English is a farcry. True to my Malaysian self, i spit out lahs and lors and mehs like a sub machinegun.

I can imagine myself now.

"A very good morning to the honourable judge arh, the opposition. Crap. Damn. What am I supposed to say again? Hey Bran! Gimme that will ya? "

Well. you get te point. Imagine if on that day we were debating about "Malaysian lingo murders the English Language" and i'll be on the supporting side or in the debate world, The Government.

hmm.. those two are one of the few..
other's include, AJK peperiksaan?
Choral Speaking. wait that one was forced.
how will my life turn out?
dang dang dang

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blogging Dead?

Yeah, blogging is dying. Bloggers are dropping like flies. One by one. Resulting in neglected and dusty blogs and many dissapointed readers. So.... the question is..WHY?
Lazy? Busy? Exams? these are the excuses. But will blogging follow the steps of the long forgotten BluBet?

So, sei lor. haha.Some have deleted their blogs and some just not posting crap.
Well, i for one will continue blogging. Who will join me?
But, it's actually getting kinda hard to blog these days, they're really drowning the Form 3s this year. Homework galore and not to mention the folios and what not.
So, To blog or not to blog. that is the question.
It's yours to decide.
Just relinquish your responsibilities given as a blogger and leave this comunity (your welcome to join back just so you know).
Or continue on blogging where you can go about proudly because your one of those people who post crap on their web pages which not many people give a damn about.
So what if i have nothing to write about. I'll blog till i die!

Man.. whatta speach, haha. It's your decision.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

surprise surprise!!! i'm not dead.. yeah, i can't believe other people actually noticed that i haven't been blogging for quite some time.. what do i have to say fo myself? the usual.. homework.. sport practice.. ECA.. internet's down..
i know i know.. my excuses suck.. but it's true! being a student is hard work just so you know..
apart from all the homework and exams and stay-backs.. some teachers even expect you to go to school on Saturdays. man.., i'm gonna talk about school.. yes.. i noticed that of all of my posts, this particular subject is let me start on my first day of Form 3..
i you were to compare myself this year with myself last year, it's obvious that i've become a little more hardworking..come on.. don't you agree? yessirree. i've turned over a new leaf..let's hope i don't turn back.. well. since this year will be my PMR year, change is vital..

ok..back to school..
i remember my first day.. it was.........................tiring.
two years of afternoon school really changed my sleeping pattern..i became a sleep late-wake up late person.. so, it was hard getting use to morning session..
i still sleep at 11 to 12 o' clock.. i make up the rest of my hours by sleeping in the afternoon..
what i liked about this year, that all my teachers rock..
so far, my favourite teacher is my Science teacher, Pn Zarina..
when i first saw her,i could tell instantly that she was an easy going person.. very open and easy to joke with.. i remember once that we had this conversation on the famous Chapter 4.. yup..reproduction.. she was saying how shy the girls reacted when she showed them their male counterparts parts.. while she was explaining thatthe government will give these CDs to the teachers.. and somehow Dr Chua slipped pass my mouth.. well, everyone laughed, even Pn Zarina..
and for some reason...she wants me to be the teacher when we reach that chapter...
She was serious!

Next is my English teacher.. Mz Helen Dodampe'
just her name screams out class..
yup..that's how she is.
a classy and strangely dramatic lady..
she makes English exciting..

Aiya..i gotta go,
i continue next time

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

You can comment now! i can comment now! hey, I'm waiting. Hello? Don't cha wanna comment? C'mon, I wouldn't mind if it's a heckle. haha

Well, I noticed that my posts have been on a commentless streak lately. At first, i assumed that you guys were busy with your school work. Too pooped to comment on my poop.
And when the streak continued.. i kinda went crazy.. You see, comment are the only reason i blog. yep. i know. It sounds strange yet, i bet everyone of you bloggers feel the same way..
Comments to a post on a blog are exactly like a guitar tuner to a string on a guitar..
imagine..without the tuner.. i wouldn't know whether the guitar is in tuned or not.
Yes.. i know..i love my analogies

Where was i? oh yeah.. the freaking out.. yup.. 1st.. it was denial..
then, a full blown OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)..yup..
i was frequently on the net checking out if there was a comment posted..
And every time.. Nada..
So.. i came to my senses and i had to ask myself the ultimate question..
Are my posts really that boring?!? Do i make you sleep.. Do doctors prescribe my blog URL to their insomnia suffering patients..
yeah.. i thought day..i learned from a friend that nobody could comment on my blog.. I was puzzled at first.. so i checked it myself.. yup.. it was true.. But.. i wondered, why didn't anyone tell me in the first place?
So. i searched every where and i still couldn't find the problem..
But, eventually i found it and fixed it.. oh. more like change the settings ..
So. You can't tell how happy i am.. i'm on the Moon..nah i'm on Mars..
looks like my blog isn't an express trip to slumber land.. nope.. it's not boring!!!

or is it?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

homework blues

Almost the end of break from school, dadudadadum
Homework notchet do, dadudadadum
time ticking fast,
OMFG i got the haven't-do-homework-blues!!!

hey.. me again.. homework.. still not done.. Bm folio haven't start.. but almost.. well.. i apologise for all the parties that i missed.. but.. c'mon.. my parents put me in lock up till i finished my homework.. which means.. no party going, no friends coming, no socializing. i'm trying my best to cage up my procrastinating self but boy oh boy.. it's sure trying it's hardest to get out..

Well.. school's almost starting and i look back now..all i ever did was laze around once in a while lifting up my pen to do some work.. damn those freaking modules.. i've become an anti-social frog under coconut shell.. i am freaking desperate.. for at least some company.. i am this close to downing that packetfull of panadol sitting there in the cabinet.

okay. well. recently. my sisters planned an open house.. so..there were little girls everywhere.. all laughing and jolly making.. but.. party or no party.. my parents insisted that my homework be done.. So. i played the role of the unhappy teen brother. man, it was like going to funeral where your the only one there laughing and having fun while the rests are mourning.. ok ok.. a little too much.. but now you think of it... nah..haha..

So.. i noticed for quite some time.. my sister and her friends were in her room..doing god know's what.. and.. i am shocked after finding out what the heck they were up too.. take a look you guys..

but seriously..who could have guessed?

Monday, January 26, 2009


oh hey.. the soal selidik's over.. but..that doesn't matter does it? haha. hey. never mind.
Sooooo, well. School's finally done..(not for good sadly) well. at least it gives us some chance of getting some R n R. Whew. But..really. how can we enjoy the break when we have tests, folios, oral reports n homework to think about. unfair ain't it? Well.i don't wanna be the Scrooge of CNY..
so here's a short post wishing u guys a happy niu year.. every year there's a punch line.. some good some crappy.. haha.. so..have a great cow year 财源滚滚

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ok..well..i've not been blogging for a while..
it's just..hard to find time you know.. we got practices after practices..and tonnes of homework..
ok..i have this civic project thingy. we're required to do a bloody survey of what do 15 year old wish to become when they grow up..
why can't they leave us alone huh? let us be children well..
the borang is as follows..and please..answer them.. actually..we were supposed to give the lucky 50 the borangs to write it down.. way man..this is the 21st Century..INTERNET BABY

Kajian kecil dijalankan sebagai satu projek Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan Tingkatan 3. Tujuan kami menjalankan kajian adalah untuk mengetahui cita-cita remaja yang berumur 15 tahun pada masa kini .
Harap anda dapat meluangkan masa untuk menjawab soalan-soalan di bawah ini .
Terima kasih atas kerjasama anda.
Nama Kumpulan :
Soalan :
1 . Apakah cita-cita anda ?
Guru Doktor
Peguam Juruterbang
Saintis Lain-lain. Sila nyatakan: __________________
2. Sebab anda memilih cita-cita ini .
Berminat dalam bidang ini Dipengaruhi oleh kawan
Mengikut jejak kepada ibu bapa Dipaksa oleh ibubapa
Lain-lain. Sila nyatakan: _________________________________________
3. Bilakah anda memiliki cita-cita ini ?
Sejak kecil lagi Sekolah rendah
Sekolah menengah
4. Adakah anda mempunyai cita-cita yang kedua jika anda tidak dapat mencapai cita-cita anda ini sekarang?
Ya . Sila nyatakan: ___________________
5. Anda ingin bekerja dalam sektor swasta, berkhidmat untuk kerajaan atau menubuhkan perniagaan sendiri apabila besar nanti ?
bekerja dalam sektor swasta.
berkhidmat untuk kerajaan Malaysia.
menubuhkan perniagaan diri sendiri.

just post ur answers in the comments..
and, please..just the answers..
semua kerjasama diucapkan terima kasih dalam bentuk wang daripada saya (RM 1)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Damn..i still can't stop procrastinating.. i haven't done my homework yet.. yup.. just as the holidays started.. my kerja cuti sekolah was thrown into the depths of y messy room and was never seen again.. till now..
well.. good news..i finally found my homework.. when others were thinking..hmm.. "should i do my homework?" I, on the other hand,was thinking, "will i ever find my homework?"
Now that i have it.. looks like i have no choice.. copy.. nah.. just kidding.. i am a procrastinating nerd.. but let me get this straight.. procrastinating is like doing drugs.. you like it.. but you can't stop it eventhough you know it's bad for you.. it's an addiction!
well, at least now i found number 1 on my 2009 list of tasks..

sigh.. well.. i've been fighting my long acquired habit/addiction for quite some time now.. but i have some tricks of the trade for all my fellow addicts.. ahah.. just admit it..
the first one seems so easy yet it's so freaking hard..


this is what all procratinators lack.. you must be firm on yourself... when you say.. i'm gonna do this homework.. Just do it!!! you know how hard is it to do that? picture yourself waking up in the morning.. it's 5.45 it's cold and rainy.. and you must get up and get ready for school.. but all you wanna do is go back to slumberland.. no matter how hard you try to get up.. you can't because you're slacker self is trying all it can do to keep you there..

Try to get rid of all distractions.. comp, tv, phone


I use this very often.. just treat yourself after doing the task..
simple huh? well.. that's all for now..