
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

post PMR boredom

With the exams over ( i know, my posts are always PMR this, PMR that),
I can finally get back life! This frog is getting out of his coconut shell. I shall return to the world!!!
Still, i'm waiting for that little ounce of freedom i was promised.
But even if i were given the keys to my parental lock, for the time being I just want to rest, relax and reenter another world. A world connected by data highways where one could go anywhere one wanted.
The internet of course....

back to chatting, blogging, youtubing, illegal mp3 downloading and the sort. ok.. youtubing's not a word.

my school as the wet blanket it is, is making our break a boring one.

In a desperate attempt to keep their Form 3s from running wild..thanks to the school there will be talks and more talks and lectures about our future.
I wouldn't have mind if they were more fun or entertaining.. really
Today we had talks in the hall, unattentive's word and it's only the first day..
The funny thing is, these talks are actually chasing the pupils away.
day by day more and more are playing hooky..

By the way, our class planned a mass tardy tomorrow. It will be a sight when half of 3 Amanah fail to show up tomorrow.

Sorry.. was i being too critical about the talks?
like i said, i would gladly listen to these talks (as they tell us more about the classes we'll be going to next year) if they were the least more interesting than watching paint dry.
Although i do already know which class i wil go when i'm in Form 4.
gee, where are Harith Iskandar, Russel Peters or even Achmed ( the dead terrorist!!!!) when you need them...

till the paint dries
Good bye.