
Friday, January 2, 2009

Damn..i still can't stop procrastinating.. i haven't done my homework yet.. yup.. just as the holidays started.. my kerja cuti sekolah was thrown into the depths of y messy room and was never seen again.. till now..
well.. good news..i finally found my homework.. when others were thinking..hmm.. "should i do my homework?" I, on the other hand,was thinking, "will i ever find my homework?"
Now that i have it.. looks like i have no choice.. copy.. nah.. just kidding.. i am a procrastinating nerd.. but let me get this straight.. procrastinating is like doing drugs.. you like it.. but you can't stop it eventhough you know it's bad for you.. it's an addiction!
well, at least now i found number 1 on my 2009 list of tasks..

sigh.. well.. i've been fighting my long acquired habit/addiction for quite some time now.. but i have some tricks of the trade for all my fellow addicts.. ahah.. just admit it..
the first one seems so easy yet it's so freaking hard..


this is what all procratinators lack.. you must be firm on yourself... when you say.. i'm gonna do this homework.. Just do it!!! you know how hard is it to do that? picture yourself waking up in the morning.. it's 5.45 it's cold and rainy.. and you must get up and get ready for school.. but all you wanna do is go back to slumberland.. no matter how hard you try to get up.. you can't because you're slacker self is trying all it can do to keep you there..

Try to get rid of all distractions.. comp, tv, phone


I use this very often.. just treat yourself after doing the task..
simple huh? well.. that's all for now..