
Friday, September 5, 2008

rain rain rain

wow...back from school bloggy......and was it raining or what......i almost missed the van...(thank you congestion!!)...
this time..i took the chance to enjoy the rain...
usually i'd be tumpanging someones umbrella or just making a run for it....
it was foong's were we...walking under the rain like a bunch of retards..never caring about the rude stares.. was great actually...feeling the cooling drops on my skin..pitter patter pitter patter.. was just so darn heavenly!!!
if only i sang 'raindrops are falling on my head'
you know like they say...just stop and smell the roses...
carefree is for me!

As i chased the moving van....i finally got in....
surprised should try it.....
soaking wet from hair to shoes...and sitting in a van with the air con in full blast....
but i tahaned it....
As it reached my house...i got off and found out that my keys weren't with me..
SO, i climbed over..what else huh?
went in and took a nice warm bath.....after that..i ate my dinner and i am...
typing on the laptop....

Well...i'm homealone with grandma sleeping and my parents somewhere on Pavillion...
they had leave early this time around so i couldn't follow them...too bad... least i can do my work....blogging doesn't count does it?
my sejarah folio is sort of 30% done?
lets just put homework aside 1st shall we...don't worry..i'll do it later..i promise...

i got number 14(which is quite low but anyhow i'm still happy) in class for the me it was okay..but my parents thought differently...,what's wrong with 6A1D?!..
yup...i got a D for BM....53 wanna know why?
it's all because of my see,
i sort of didn't do 20marks down the drain..*flush*...
you know..i noticed......everyone focuses on the D..and not the 6 As...
too eyecatching i guess..haha..

well got to go...homework's calling...
Shuddup already ok?i heard ya the first time...


Ean said...

lol...14..same with me..but i 70%++ only..T.T..i got an E for KH

boonhowc said...

ehehehe mine plus urs 13! =)