
Thursday, September 4, 2008

mah 1st post on my second blog...'s so darn good to start out fresh again...oh..wait i should probably start with dear diary huh?...
nah...i'll call this blog...bloggy!...

dear newly born bloggy, how does it feel to be my second blog...ooh...and no sarcasm...any crap like that and i'm deleting you! But i can tell what you're wondering. Why am i calling you diary when it can be accessed by every soul on Earth with an internet connection. My wish la! If i wrote all this on a'd probably have doggy ears on every page... and chocolate sauce on you...
so be thankful for being a n electronic one and not those others with bad spelling and grammar...
wait, i think you should thank spellcheck for that....hey..lemme misspell for fun..
ohkae..if yu ar wandarin wats i'm dooing nau...(ok ok enough)
i'm sitting at my dining table staring at a laptop screen and not doing my tuition homework which is due in the livin watching her never ending hokkien dramas..
it's 10am and i'm waiting for my food to come and after that i'm off to school...and after that, i'm won't be touching you for quite know..your freakingly lucky cause my connection is wacko...i can't sign in to MSN...i have to keep refreshing sites to view them...leaving to only two things...homework and blog....hmmm whichever shall i soon as i'm done with you...i'll try to finish my work.... is PJ day..and you know what that means...several hours of doing the sunshine dance whilst singing any song related to sun...
it's pretty simple actually....all you need is to jump around stare out at the sky and say sunny day as many times and as loud as works i tell you..i swear!..well bloggy..
wish Amanah luck cause were fighting the Bs as usual.. but this time round there won't be any malays to lawan with so scales are heavier on my A's side...
but i've learned from countless of times...never underestimate your opponent...i don't even know what we'll be sister told me that for PJ...her teacher gave them boardgames!...aughhhhhhh......
the food's here....gtg...