
Thursday, September 4, 2008

two blogs?

I've been having to make the decision of transferring to wordpress or about conflict. Well, over days and days of comparing and checking out QnAs...i've decided to stay....
you see.....i've made discoveries about the two sites....
blogspot's more user's for the newbies, (like me) who have no idea how to blog....
wordpress on the other hand or may i say other more for hardcore bloggers.......
So, wordpress....i may have rejected you for my dear ol blogspot...but don't fret... i'll change when i feel that i have, whacha call it? be more pro!..haha...that's what people sat round here....
oh yeah.....i've also had a couple more or so ideas for my dusty and grime filled blog with cockroaches the size of rats and rats the size of cockroaches..hey...i know...whenever i (finally post) you'll go check to see if the moon's blue....

i'm making another blog...yes!...that's right..another sad sad and tak berdosa blog will go under my responsibility......
let me tell what i'm gonna fill it with....
i'm drumrolls....but you can roll drums if you want..
i'm gonna make an e-diary or something like that......(i apologise for any injuries caused by falling off the chair after reading this)

yes...i'm making a dairy...i'd call it a journal..lebih me..Mr sensitive typing "dear diary"
today i blah blah blah blah.....
you see....i don't like posting my life's happenings on this;s just not right....
so i'll have two blogs's for writing my days and another's for writing whatever coming out of my ever mysterious head of mine......