weeding...I've been doing it ever since we had our garden...everyone knows what weeding is right...pretty straight-forward...pulling weeds...
well...this morning...my grandma...or i call her...'Amah'..asked me to weed..in fear of getting banned again..i obeyed her..(you see my grandmother doesn't like me computering 24/7)She complained to my dad once...
The few minutes were tolerable but alas...my laziness kicked in....i started getting desperate cause the garden was filled with weeds...especially the lalang type which had strong roots...
so..i tried the strangulation method.(i put a big flat disc over an area)...i even tried smacking them which failed miserably...finally...i brought in Mr Cangkul!!!
As an hour passed....the sun came up....YES!!!...finally i can go in... meyAmah looked up...and spoke...'Kenjin arh, take out the 'kam cai' to dry( she's preserving it)...now that was unexpected...
But finally...after another hour....'pit.pit.pit' YES!!!!!!!!!! lunch is here..alrite!!...as i walked in happily...my Amah did the unexpected....
'Ken Jin...'ming tien chao sang ni shia lai pa chau arh' (Mandarin for 'tomorrow morning you come down and pull grass')
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