
Monday, March 31, 2008

the war on pimples

Today...i'm dedicating a whole post to pimples..
yes pimples...we all get them sooner or later...yes...that means you
Ms. Pretty Pants!
My mom always bugs me about my pimples..always saying "look at all your pimples"
it's almost like my mom's blaming me for going through i look like i have a choice? me...i treat pimples using the chicken pox analogy...
for instance,to me, it's always better to get it as early as possible..(trust me on'll thank me later)
tell me....would you rather get it when your 13,14 or get it when you reach 16,17
But..hey..too bad we can't tell when we start having me, I'm an early it when i was 12...

And thru my experiences, your fighting a losing battle!
sure...there are meds and creams and all that..but they don't stop it...they just make it easier for you...unless you consider surgery...hmm..better not
well...i've learned how to overcome it

just go with the flow even if it's a long ride

Thursday, March 13, 2008

First rap posted

I'm the KJster, the newbie blogger,
And i've been sent here to tell yer,
That some people write poems bout this and that,
But this kid over here expresses things thru rap,
It's true i'm new to this whole rapping scene,
Among all the rappers, i look like nothing,
But hey, i don't mind ,to me fame's unimportant,
I'm just a kid, have you forgotten?

Whenever i recite, i get my inspiration,
Thru my local artists, all true Malaysians,
Malay, English or even Chinese,
Yup, i got 'em on my MP3s,

Whenever i stroll, i get the term, nerd alot,
Or even noob, u know, all that sort,
And when i say i'm so hot,
i make the ladies drop,
But it's for the wrong reasons,
So don't jump to conclusions,
Cause when they drop,
They really drop,
With laughter i mean,
Trust me, It's quite a scene,

For this guy that never plays much online games,
Like Dota, CS, others might think i'm lame,
But, who cares not me,
I don't want obsessing bout my exp,
Well, that's all i got for this feature,
But remember, this guy's an amature

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


weeding...I've been doing it ever since we had our garden...everyone knows what weeding is right...pretty straight-forward...pulling weeds...

well...this grandma...or i call her...'Amah'..asked me to fear of getting banned again..i obeyed her..(you see my grandmother doesn't like me computering 24/7)She complained to my dad once...

The few minutes were tolerable but laziness kicked in....i started getting desperate cause the garden was filled with weeds...especially the lalang type which had strong roots...
so..i tried the strangulation method.(i put a big flat disc over an area)...i even tried smacking them which failed miserably...finally...i brought in Mr Cangkul!!!

As an hour passed....the sun came up....YES!!!...finally i can go in... meyAmah looked up...and spoke...'Kenjin arh, take out the 'kam cai' to dry( she's preserving it) that was unexpected...
But finally...after another hour....'pit.pit.pit' YES!!!!!!!!!! lunch is here..alrite!! i walked in Amah did the unexpected....
'Ken Jin...'ming tien chao sang ni shia lai pa chau arh' (Mandarin for 'tomorrow morning you come down and pull grass')

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I'm back! blog is collecting dust......

Yup, it's me...the KJster....and he's alive after not touching the computer for a whole month! msn, no blogging, no friendstering
for those who are might have tought i was dead or something....
well...i felt dead as well cuz that was quite a long wait....but don't worry ah......

But why you ask me....well...uh....
ok lar...fine i'll tell dad barred me from the com...
hmm, and why...well...kinda lame but it's because i tried to download some stuff...
and you know lar my, wait a don't..well he just doesn't like people
adding stuff to his computer....he scared kena virus or something like that....
but i've done similar things like this punishment...just warnings...but now...wowza!....haiz, some people never learn...
like people say....once bitten, twice bitten harder, then only trice shy.

Well, F.Y.I. rain or shine or even angry parents, nothing can stop me from this blog...i hope..