
Saturday, February 27, 2010

The blog choice of adults


Looks like I'm about to gain a new colour to my spectrum of readers.
Yes, that was fast huh?
Just the other night, an ADULT, Yup, approached me (on her own will!!) and enquired about my blog.
Looks like my dream of professionalizing my blog is finally materializing in front of me.

OH yeah!!!!!!!
Blow the balloons! Put up the streamers! Pop the champagne!

Ok lar, fine, it sounds to good to be true anyway.

That so called certified adult was my


Yes. Well, err, uh.
I guess 3 abbreviated little words can sum up my situation.


Haha. Oh well.

So. Note to my new soon-to-be reader.

Hi Mummy!! You are reading your son's blog.
How did ja find it? Tough eh, my URL.
Well, this is where I write about things.
I have many readers, I think.
So, err, feel free to drop your comments. Just don't embarrass me ok?
And yeah, of course, I only post after I've finished my homework.



CWK said...

ur mom found ur link??lol

incognito said...

not yet.. but she knows!!