
Monday, January 25, 2010

A short AWOL

Guess who's back. I'm being held back by a big effing tsunami (of homework, stay backs and guitar class) I'm drenched and water-logged.
And with my organizational skills that resemble a 70 year old secretary, lets say I'm drowning in work.
As you can see, I barely have time for the Internet.
God I miss you, Youtube, Facebook, Google.
I miss wasting my precious teenage years slumped in front of the computer.

Though, I assure you that my period of absence is over...
I'll be regulating my posts come rain or sun shine :D

Though my life may sound sad and packed, I'm actually living my life on the happy side.
I come to school cheerful, i walk back to school with a whistling tune at the tip of my tongue.
Life's great. I sleep and wake up with a fluorescent bright smile.
I even accepted today's cane to the behind happily (which kinda pissed off the teacher)
Why? It's all because of you.

You've become the nucleus of all my jubilance.
You are the one that keeps me up when I'm down
You bring me higher when I'm already up.
Happiness pulses with every beat of my heart.

Thank you :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Here's a counter-post directed to lindsay virgo :)

Who turned my tedious jobs of pulling weeds into something to laugh about.
But now that you mention it, it DOES look like someone's spine (in a dark and sick way)

Of course. Weeding calms me very much. Therapeutic so to speak. haha.
Here's to future weeding sessions :D

First Week

The first week of schooling has already ended!! Cheers people.
Now, all that we have to do now is do go through it 40 times!!

For me, it was chaotic as usual.
I started out going to my 4Science2 class only to find how boring and lonely it was. You can say it was a malay dominant class. Of course, chinese people prefer handling calculators and dissecting knives than pens and paint brushes.
In a non-racist way, I, a rooster entered a cage filled with pigeons.

The whole time I was there, every chai who entered my class would excite me thinking it was Boon. "Where the eff is Boon?!?!?"

Well, at least i learned a lesson. A contradiction to what most civic teachers blab about. Follow your road my ass!!

So, now, I am proud to be in 4Science1. Though, I dislike Biology. I'll probably hold a strike when the dissecting comes. It's not that I'm squeamish. I believe that we don't have the right to take a living thing's life (excluding weeds) in the name of science or any other name.

So. here are the weird and wonderful teachers of 4sc1.

Mr Ganeshan(Phy) a.k.a Mr G
He's one of the dudes. Talks like the dudes.
Quote(to Boon) : Thambi Illeh Kunji. Brother, you don't own a "you-know-what"

Mr Chan(hist) a.k.a Ah Chat
Undescribable. He scares almost everyone in class (not me). From his sudden mood changes to his sudden jumps into drama mode. In a nut shell, he's just weird.
Quote(TO me) : Oleh sebab kau dapat 7A, saya akan gunting rambut depan sahaja. *snip* (My fringe reduced to a freshly mown lawn)

Mz Dodampe(ENg) a.k.a Mz Dodampe
Same teacher from last year. Always correcting our grammar. Still fun and motherly.
Expect a lot of brainstorming sessions.
Quote (To Class) : You all have seeds of greatness within.

Pn Norhana(Chem) a.k.a yet to be named
She's new to the class. So, i can't say much.
Quote (to me) : Anwering my question- "Is chemistry fun?" - "NO"

Pn Chua(add maths) a.k.a Mummy!!!
Well, what else do you expect from AM teachers. What, teacher? HUH?
Quote (to class) : Add Maths lingo- one to one, many to many, many to one etc.

Well. that's all i can think of. The rest are either never seen before or are too boring to be written down. haha

Well, it seems Sc1 will be a great class!!