
Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hey. i was checking out Namewee's new video on Youtube (Namewee *&^% TNB) .
Well, that's when I inserted a new topic into my cranial forum, the freedom of expression.
As many democratic countries there are, the freedom of expression is one necessity that must be granted. We have power to speak and express whatever we want to. Heck, I'm even doing it now.
Still, many people think we're not given the whole deal here.
Well, from the video comments, I can see the rakyat is making a big brouhaha out of this freedom. Putting it into trivial matters. As I read the comments one by one, it really saddens me (sampai boleh menitis air mata) how people argue among one another. It ashames me that these people are Malaysians. Let me show you couple of those comments. (some are kinda vulgar, seriously!!!)

You not only drop our chinese reputation, you also put us malaysian's reputation at risk by posting this on youtube!! Talk about patriotic duh

Dear Namewee, I agree with you that break downs really caused alot of troubles and I also quite mad about it. But there's no need to go to the office shouting @^$($! here and there, really drop us Chinese 'water face'

desire817 <LOL>
Hello boss, I'm chinese. Look at my face it's yellow, look at my skin, it's yellow! And my favorite lunch is Char Siew Fan!Obviously I'm trying to make a joke that there are some stupid chinese. Don't join those group.

this shows how INEFFICIENT tnb muar is. from the way they talk, they way they handle the situation, the way they respond was poor. the staff working were giving tnb a bad name.

First thing first, I'm a racist. Why? Because Melayu bodoh and Chinese so hai.This is what they call the "first world facility, third world maintenance".If you're a Malaysian, migrate. Because the cops are crocked, the politician corrupted and the citizen lazy. Live some where else and contribute to the world. To be honest, Malaysia is god forsaken country. For those of you who think you can change thing around by "voting" then good luck lah.

People listen up: 10 million internet users are watching Youtube each day, just this video alone already exceeded 10,000 views. Before you post another angry comment, let's all of us slow down a little start to be objective.The issue here is a corporation in Malaysia, named TNB who have failed to do its job properly. So our comment, be it good or bad, shall be focused on the company.This has absolutely nothing to do with races. Malay kah, Chinese kah, Indian kah, have nothing to do with it.

TNB semua makan Babi jilat Pussy,TNB never fully give their responsibility..TNB only know collecting Money and cut ur electricity...TNB Tiu Nia Bu...TNB,nama saya Shawn Lee

I have to agree with fredooi2. It doesn't help by using poison against poison. Namewee bro, I truly share your frustration and I would be so fxxking mad too if lost my work just because some people failed to do their job. But two wrongs do not make one right. TNB might just turn around and sue you back for defamation, and when that happens, not only you get yourself in trouble, 麻玻还是继续停电!

So, there you go... see how 'responsible' and 'mature' these youtubers are.
Although I do agree that TNB is a u-know-what and can go you-know-where but what that dear Namewee did is kind of too much.
Sure, it brings up these problem so that the goverment can fix them up and he IS speaking out for our rights, but Namewee oh Namewee, why did you have to go show this to the whole youtube world.
Sure, our country needs to be put on the map but this is BAD PUBLICITY...
Pretty soon you'll see tourists flocking to the TNB building in Muar..
"look mom! That Namewee guy was here when he shouted TNB (*cough cough*) etc"

Not only that, because of this, not only the quality of our infrastructure is questioned, it brings in a whole lot of other BAD BAD BAD topics. The government, religion, racial issues blah blah...
C'mon.. here's a note to all expressionists, Bloggers, Vloggers, Youtubers, from the moment we signed up for these accounts, we were given this responsibility. Whatever we upload or write about is on a free show for all eyes to see. So, not only for the sake of our 'water face', think about our country, dear MALAYSIA.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

post PMR boredom

With the exams over ( i know, my posts are always PMR this, PMR that),
I can finally get back life! This frog is getting out of his coconut shell. I shall return to the world!!!
Still, i'm waiting for that little ounce of freedom i was promised.
But even if i were given the keys to my parental lock, for the time being I just want to rest, relax and reenter another world. A world connected by data highways where one could go anywhere one wanted.
The internet of course....

back to chatting, blogging, youtubing, illegal mp3 downloading and the sort. ok.. youtubing's not a word.

my school as the wet blanket it is, is making our break a boring one.

In a desperate attempt to keep their Form 3s from running wild..thanks to the school there will be talks and more talks and lectures about our future.
I wouldn't have mind if they were more fun or entertaining.. really
Today we had talks in the hall, unattentive's word and it's only the first day..
The funny thing is, these talks are actually chasing the pupils away.
day by day more and more are playing hooky..

By the way, our class planned a mass tardy tomorrow. It will be a sight when half of 3 Amanah fail to show up tomorrow.

Sorry.. was i being too critical about the talks?
like i said, i would gladly listen to these talks (as they tell us more about the classes we'll be going to next year) if they were the least more interesting than watching paint dry.
Although i do already know which class i wil go when i'm in Form 4.
gee, where are Harith Iskandar, Russel Peters or even Achmed ( the dead terrorist!!!!) when you need them...

till the paint dries
Good bye.

Monday, October 19, 2009

what lies ahead after PMR?

Okay.. as i'm emptying my head with all the facts, equations, and the sort which I had to painfully memorize, I really wonder, what do I do now? Party like there's no tomorrow? well. sure but i don't think we can do that all the way till next year.

This time.. i will make my break a meaningful one. A one to remember when I'm sitting on my CEO chair or even my rocking chair.
Do you guys have anything installed?
okay, okay. I'm prying. It's still too early for that. we're still brushing off the PMR dust.

Still, it really is food for thought. I'm 15. What can i do..
for one thing..
I really want to do some serious blogging...
In order to achive global recognition (yeah yeah, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride)
I have decided to change my blog output.
I will talk about more general and open topics cuz i don't think people really want to know what i had for supper.
Soooo... prepare for a more serious KJ (god forbid)

Crystal clear

Salutations. I'm still in a state of shock. PMR's actually over! sigh.... time flies.
I remember..
as i exited the examination hall for the last time..
I had this rush of emotions. along with
this elation of stress... it was wonderful.
it was like out with the bad in with the good.. My mind was as clear as an SKII comercial girl.
For the first time i could actually go to bed without the slightest thought about exams, school or whatever lies tomorrow.
Ok.. i won't drag long about this. i know that every Form 3 boy or girl can relate with me on this one.

So.. with exams out of the way. I can finally continue blogging full time. And i really mean it.
*sniff* ahhhh it feels good to be back.. And i wonder who else is back?
Returning to the blogosphere, I am very pleased that there are others who still share the passion of blogging. Cheers everyone!! We're one big/small comunity.

So.. are you guys in or what? Holler at me. drop a comment or somthing.. let me know