
Sunday, January 13, 2008

.....and here's post number THREE.....

u know......last friday....i was,what u call it...buah gataled... hmm? don't know what i'm talking about....

u my school...there are these trees that bear some kind of berries and whenever its juices come in contact with'll itch like hell!!......tell me if u seen it before......

Well, here my was a Friday afternoon, kinda early...and i was chatting with one of my buddies....(lets just call him Tan)...u see, i had some unfinished math homework (as usual) so i was completing it with a little help from Tan and his Casio calculator (shhhhh)....

Well..upon doing it....all of a sudden...i felt something slide across my neck and falling onto the floor in front of me....i looked up...and i found this Malay punk probrably form 4 or 5 grinning and casualy walking away from me....i quickly looked at what the asshole rubbed me with and ,

yup!...buah gatal....immediately...the itching started

And if you think that was bad enough...another one of his friends did the same fricking thing again....same spot! that time i was enraged...really...cursing under my breath... i really really wanted to kick that bastard in the ass!!...but inner self....told me not to....

Cuz i wouldn't stand a chance against 3 Form 4/ listened to logic...and calmed myself down....

Well....since it happened to me b4 by my other friend..(lets call him Kamalan)...well...he told me to wash the area immediately so i did what he told me last time...
well...the itching was less but it was still itchy(thank you Kamalan).....and while i was doing all that...the ones who did it...were laughing at me of course.....

It's been a couple of days since the neck's still itching and there're small bumps on my neck that look like mosquito bites.....hey!!....that could be my alibi when i go to school tomorrow...yeah....swarms of mosquitoes....hehe....
Well...that's all 4 now......