
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Here's the parody of's Got It From My Rudy and JJ of


JJ, where'd you get your canai from?
Rudy, where'd you get your maggi from?
JJ, where'd you get your tosai from?
Rudy, where'd you get your curry from?

I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it got it got it...

JJ, where'd you get your kopi from?
Rudy, where'd you get your nasi from?
JJ, where'd you get your sambal from?
Eh, Rudy, where'd you get your tapau from?

I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it got it got it...

Mamak, looking good from his head to his toe,
Curry overload, body out of control,
Open 24, you can always go,
So happening, also got cendol,

Roti smelling good, they don't use ghee,
It's almost small, it's the place to eat, (apa khabar?)
You can tell curry's been there for a week, (wah sedap!)
Mamak made it hot, I can feel the heat!

So be veli good and thank your mamak,
He makes food just like a sauna,
Panas, panas, here it comes now, panas, panas, here it comes now,

got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it got it got it...

Aney, Aney, Tolong kira please boss!
- What?
- Ten ringgit forty cent, buuuttt for you guys
- Ten ringgit.

Eh Rudy..
Mmm, tak rasa la. Not enough spice la...
Don't worry, I know what to do man.

(Telephone dialling)
Ow Sh*t, it's the morning crew!

Ho, you ain't hungry?
Well - I - am,
Take you to a place where they don't eat ham,
Speak malay or speak chinese,
A little bit of rice and some black eyed peas,
Where else can you go and eat real late?
Straight from the club and it's food on your plate,
Love Mackie Diz, but not today,
Think I'm in the mood for some cool teh,
Tell JJ, I think I found a winner,
Me and Rudy, we both missed dinner,
So you know that we're ready to eat,
No durians, now please have a seat!

Come on...
I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it got it got it...

All these food right here, I got all these from my MAMAK.
All these food right here, I got all these from my MAMAK.

Ifa Rudy real fine, 9 times outta 10, its coming from my mamak,
If the kopi real sweet, 9 times outta 10, its sweeter at my mamak,
If the cat's really ugly, I bet you, it is not at my mamak,
If the girl's real fine, 9 times outta 10, she's hanging at my mamak,
If you're chilling in subang, 9 times outta 10, you're chilling at my mamak,
If you're hanging in ampang, 9 times outta 10, you're hanging at my mamak,
At my mamak!

JJ, where'd you get your canai from?
Rudy, where'd you get your maggi from?
JJ, where'd you get your tosai from?
Rudy, where'd you get your curry from?

I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it got it got it...

Roti make some noise!
If you like kopi, make some noise!
If you like mamak, make some noise!
Make some noise, Make some noise, noise, noise...
(noi, noi, noi, noi, noi...)

Ok, ok enough of the noise, eh - macha, macha, Rudy - Stop with the tin cans la!
Are you serious?
Yeala please
Eh, but how's your roti ah?
Ooo, dashyat man
Eh, eh whatchu got eh watchu wat's that?
Eheh, chicken, lamb, everything inside!
Got telur?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

.....and here's post number THREE.....

u know......last friday....i was,what u call it...buah gataled... hmm? don't know what i'm talking about....

u my school...there are these trees that bear some kind of berries and whenever its juices come in contact with'll itch like hell!!......tell me if u seen it before......

Well, here my was a Friday afternoon, kinda early...and i was chatting with one of my buddies....(lets just call him Tan)...u see, i had some unfinished math homework (as usual) so i was completing it with a little help from Tan and his Casio calculator (shhhhh)....

Well..upon doing it....all of a sudden...i felt something slide across my neck and falling onto the floor in front of me....i looked up...and i found this Malay punk probrably form 4 or 5 grinning and casualy walking away from me....i quickly looked at what the asshole rubbed me with and ,

yup!...buah gatal....immediately...the itching started

And if you think that was bad enough...another one of his friends did the same fricking thing again....same spot! that time i was enraged...really...cursing under my breath... i really really wanted to kick that bastard in the ass!!...but inner self....told me not to....

Cuz i wouldn't stand a chance against 3 Form 4/ listened to logic...and calmed myself down....

Well....since it happened to me b4 by my other friend..(lets call him Kamalan)...well...he told me to wash the area immediately so i did what he told me last time...
well...the itching was less but it was still itchy(thank you Kamalan).....and while i was doing all that...the ones who did it...were laughing at me of course.....

It's been a couple of days since the neck's still itching and there're small bumps on my neck that look like mosquito bites.....hey!!....that could be my alibi when i go to school tomorrow...yeah....swarms of mosquitoes....hehe....
Well...that's all 4 now......

Saturday, January 5, 2008

hello....yup, i know i know......don't need to remind me......
my blogs been empty 4 a while.....wait! What am i talkin about, it's been empty 4 a darn long time.........really sorry though.........pls forgive me you guys (whoever you guys are)....
so.............this is my 1st post........and certainly not my last..........'s time to introduce me self

I'm a pure chinaman from Malaysia and proud of it...........i'm 14 this year......well almost.......
my don't need to know......lets just say i'm no Leonardo DiCaprio or David Beckham...
but don't get me wrong.......i'm not shy or think i'm's just that i'm a little tight about my security..........ok.......hmm....what else?

Well.....i enjoy eating......and i do it guilt's because i have this wierd my whole matter how much i gobble down.........i'm never ever fact, i'm kinda's really it a curse or gift......whatever it is......i'm loving it for sure...

I also kinda like to read.....but too'm really liking James Patterson's books......
they're really...really....hard to put down.....hmm.....wat other books....i'm also currently reading one of Anthony Horowitz's books too........and i'm having trouble putting it down.......i just wanna continue reading it till the end..........well...i also love Calvin and Hobbes........i say it's one of the best comics ever writen........but i'm kinda sad....Bill Watterson retired........

Well......other than that..... as you already know............i'm a music favourite is the legendary, undisputed
King Mathers...........but i also listen to lots of other artists..........i mostly hear them thru my local music station.....Flyfm......

hmm.....oya....i support Manchester United and Argentina........and my favourite player is............ guess who..........he plays in both of my fav teams........
It's him.............Carlos Teves...........well.........he might not be as good looking as Christiano...........but whenever he's on the field........his skills are beyond a doubt.....impresive and really kick-ass worthy.....

finally...........we're at the end of my 1st post........i guess some of u guys r probably thinkin..........
That's it ?!?....
Well...........just try to cut me some's my 1st time bloggin......
but rest assure.........give me some time and i'll me on this.....