
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another week bites the dust

Hello, life's returning to normal again.
The usual long hours in class, the usual occasional 'yam cha' (tea-drinking) session after, the usual walk back home, and the usual attempt at making the most of the remaining day.
You can actually hear yourself dying.
Well, from a weird point of view,
we literally are dying by the second.
Which really puts this into perspective:
did you just waste those precious seconds of your ever decreasing life bar?

Well, better make the best of it while you can,

believe me, if otherwise, you'll be an old man/woman who does nothing but regret as you sit and try as hell to remember what you had for breakfast, what did you want to say or why did you enter the room you're in.

Yes, it's strange, but I like to talk about life. I know, for my tender age I should be talking about girls, sports, video games, the latest song (auto-tune and all) reverberating through our radios.

Well, I'm not your usual 16 year old.
For me, I tend to side-step from the natural flow of life -play the role of the third party observer. And of course, with my other coordinator: Foong!

We share our toughts about how life is supposed to be lived. How stupid that most 'life livers' are being trapped like birds in cages or cars on a track. Here's an analogy. Think of life as a road. Connecting point A and point B. Of course, 'A' meaning birth and 'B' death.
Well, are you just going to become another car stuck in the jam?


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This morning

This morning,
I woke up,
Feeling like a bird,
Flying, soaring endlessly,
Through the misty clouds,
Over green tree-tops,
Under the sky blue sky,
To be free from the chains,
Of school and routine,
If only this could last forever.

This morning,
I did not moan,
As my fingers slammed the 'snooze' button,
I did not rush out of bed,
I did not don my shirt and slacks,
I took my time,
Like a snail,
Oblivious to what is slow or what is fast,

This morning,
For once,
I looked out the window,
That this beauty,
Never before noticed,
Was so near,
So right-there,
As it remained just out of range,
Of the narrow and tunneled vision of,
other rushers alike.

I learned to,
Let time run its unrelenting course,
Like a river,
Flowing regardless,
Be a fish,
And swim in the forthy current of time,
Be a twig,
And succumb to the flow,
Be a rock,
And let the twigs and fish alike,
Go along their paths,
As you just sit and watch,
Unaffected by the unmerciful stream of time.
Whether I choose to be a slave of it,
That's a choice.
What are you?

Form 4

Oops, looks like I haven't been blogging lately.
Well, looks like after a week long hiatus, I am back.

Hmm, the first wave of tests is finally over.
How I did?
well, all I can say is, I'm new in Form 4, I haven't got used to this new environment
and I need time adapting here.
Form 4 is a strange and wonderful world.
We're not in Kansas anymore that's for sure.
The word easy is somehow non-existent here.
If I were to sum it all up in a short and concise equation,


So, lets hope I'll be able to survive in this whole new alien world.
Well, I haven't a choice do I?
Still, live or die, as long as I'm doing it with my friends. (que 'aww')

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Teach me, not test me.

Well. Haha. Looks like I haven't been blogging much.
I sincerely apologize..
It's that time again.
We'll be facing
Tests, tests and tests.
That's how Malaysian schools roll.
Instead of studying day in and day out so that we'll know which answer to blacken or what to fill in an essay, shouldn't we for once, learn?
That's the very core of schooling systems right.
Have you ever read the Falsafah Pendidikan Negara?
It's like a fictional long baseless sentence that is put up for show.

Well, I can't do anything right? I'm merely a pawn or a guinea pig, a subject of an experiment as our leaders poke and prick at us to see what works and what doesn't.
what a sombre post.
So, in order to level up the emotional scale of this post, here is my uncle's beagle... Milo!!

Oh my god. Effing cute is an understatement. It is gushing like a fountain with adorableness.