
Sunday, February 22, 2009

surprise surprise!!! i'm not dead.. yeah, i can't believe other people actually noticed that i haven't been blogging for quite some time.. what do i have to say fo myself? the usual.. homework.. sport practice.. ECA.. internet's down..
i know i know.. my excuses suck.. but it's true! being a student is hard work just so you know..
apart from all the homework and exams and stay-backs.. some teachers even expect you to go to school on Saturdays. man.., i'm gonna talk about school.. yes.. i noticed that of all of my posts, this particular subject is let me start on my first day of Form 3..
i you were to compare myself this year with myself last year, it's obvious that i've become a little more hardworking..come on.. don't you agree? yessirree. i've turned over a new leaf..let's hope i don't turn back.. well. since this year will be my PMR year, change is vital..

ok..back to school..
i remember my first day.. it was.........................tiring.
two years of afternoon school really changed my sleeping pattern..i became a sleep late-wake up late person.. so, it was hard getting use to morning session..
i still sleep at 11 to 12 o' clock.. i make up the rest of my hours by sleeping in the afternoon..
what i liked about this year, that all my teachers rock..
so far, my favourite teacher is my Science teacher, Pn Zarina..
when i first saw her,i could tell instantly that she was an easy going person.. very open and easy to joke with.. i remember once that we had this conversation on the famous Chapter 4.. yup..reproduction.. she was saying how shy the girls reacted when she showed them their male counterparts parts.. while she was explaining thatthe government will give these CDs to the teachers.. and somehow Dr Chua slipped pass my mouth.. well, everyone laughed, even Pn Zarina..
and for some reason...she wants me to be the teacher when we reach that chapter...
She was serious!

Next is my English teacher.. Mz Helen Dodampe'
just her name screams out class..
yup..that's how she is.
a classy and strangely dramatic lady..
she makes English exciting..

Aiya..i gotta go,
i continue next time

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

You can comment now! i can comment now! hey, I'm waiting. Hello? Don't cha wanna comment? C'mon, I wouldn't mind if it's a heckle. haha

Well, I noticed that my posts have been on a commentless streak lately. At first, i assumed that you guys were busy with your school work. Too pooped to comment on my poop.
And when the streak continued.. i kinda went crazy.. You see, comment are the only reason i blog. yep. i know. It sounds strange yet, i bet everyone of you bloggers feel the same way..
Comments to a post on a blog are exactly like a guitar tuner to a string on a guitar..
imagine..without the tuner.. i wouldn't know whether the guitar is in tuned or not.
Yes.. i know..i love my analogies

Where was i? oh yeah.. the freaking out.. yup.. 1st.. it was denial..
then, a full blown OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)..yup..
i was frequently on the net checking out if there was a comment posted..
And every time.. Nada..
So.. i came to my senses and i had to ask myself the ultimate question..
Are my posts really that boring?!? Do i make you sleep.. Do doctors prescribe my blog URL to their insomnia suffering patients..
yeah.. i thought day..i learned from a friend that nobody could comment on my blog.. I was puzzled at first.. so i checked it myself.. yup.. it was true.. But.. i wondered, why didn't anyone tell me in the first place?
So. i searched every where and i still couldn't find the problem..
But, eventually i found it and fixed it.. oh. more like change the settings ..
So. You can't tell how happy i am.. i'm on the Moon..nah i'm on Mars..
looks like my blog isn't an express trip to slumber land.. nope.. it's not boring!!!

or is it?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

homework blues

Almost the end of break from school, dadudadadum
Homework notchet do, dadudadadum
time ticking fast,
OMFG i got the haven't-do-homework-blues!!!

hey.. me again.. homework.. still not done.. Bm folio haven't start.. but almost.. well.. i apologise for all the parties that i missed.. but.. c'mon.. my parents put me in lock up till i finished my homework.. which means.. no party going, no friends coming, no socializing. i'm trying my best to cage up my procrastinating self but boy oh boy.. it's sure trying it's hardest to get out..

Well.. school's almost starting and i look back now..all i ever did was laze around once in a while lifting up my pen to do some work.. damn those freaking modules.. i've become an anti-social frog under coconut shell.. i am freaking desperate.. for at least some company.. i am this close to downing that packetfull of panadol sitting there in the cabinet.

okay. well. recently. my sisters planned an open house.. so..there were little girls everywhere.. all laughing and jolly making.. but.. party or no party.. my parents insisted that my homework be done.. So. i played the role of the unhappy teen brother. man, it was like going to funeral where your the only one there laughing and having fun while the rests are mourning.. ok ok.. a little too much.. but now you think of it... nah..haha..

So.. i noticed for quite some time.. my sister and her friends were in her room..doing god know's what.. and.. i am shocked after finding out what the heck they were up too.. take a look you guys..

but seriously..who could have guessed?