
Friday, October 31, 2008


i've been checking out youtube
and i came across this...
i don't wanna tell much about it, you have to see it yourself...kinda crappy but i like it..
does that make me crappy too?

here's the so called haunted video..
just for you information..
i haven't watched it fully yet...
it was early in the vid and suddenly i had this strange headache..
freaky huh?
i stopped immediately
tell me if you died or anything

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

hello, my exams are almost over,
it was easy overall.
all that's left are seni and sivik which is tomorrow....

post exam boredom has already started and lemme tell ya,
i'm bored! i need something to do!
i'm so bored, i'd get bored of being bored
well, will try desperately to find something to do. even if it's studying. nah take that back.
song writing?

i have an hour till school, i'm suspecting only half the class will be there
i'm sorry...i have nothing to talk about,
my posts are starting to sound like those radio news stations.
one by one, first news, second news..
it's just that my heads not working it's best.....
don't you ever have those typa days, where your mind is blur and your thoughts are blank....
hopefully i'll recover, so till i have something better to write..

Sunday, October 19, 2008


if your wondering, the studying is alrite for me.
tomorrow's the day, but i get this feeling that i'm not prepared..
why is that? it's kinda a first for me...
so, tomorrow i'm going to school early to study..
yes! i said that..
i, CKJ just said that HE is going to school EARLY to STUDY....

you know, speaking about studies, lemme tell you bout something,
i just finished my sejarah folio, and it's blahdy thick!!

think about the trees...
let us get our marks from the exams and exams only...

since we're on the topic of the enviroment.
there's people who don't care about it and there's my mom...
she is what cha call it,
enviromently unfriendly.
it was throwing junk away time and i told her about seperating my junk to be thrown away..
she just scolds me, saying,
just do it...
Also...once at the supermarket, i had to carry some juice and milk..
she asked for a double bag, i told her no need, think about the enviroment,
she just look at me we here 'are you kidding me?' looks..
this type of people really tick me off, they don't care what happens to the place we live in, The Earth...because they'll be leaving if you know what i mean..
all they ever care about is their pay checks..
tsk tsk..
you should know, i'm quite a green guy...
hey...i don't mean that green!
eventhough i have a knack of forgeting to turn off stuff, fan, lights, water etc
but, nevertheless..
my heart is green...
green as a patch of moss on the side of a fish tank..

well...looks like it's up to us teenagers to save the Earth...
never waste, and always recycle.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


i remember telling you about doing a cover with boon..did i?
i can't remember,
the problem is that we keep changing the song...
so, what are we doing now you ask?
Fall For You, Secondhand Serenade...
you know how much things change,
At first, i wanted to be a rapper...
then a rockstar...
now, i'm doing this...
i'm just experimenting on different genres...
well, there's one i always wanted to try, but it's hard for me...
chinese songs, but it's unjust for to consider them as a genre..sorry..
future maybe?

well..okay back to the cover...
why do they call it covers anyway?
so.. boon'll be on his guitar
And me.......i think i'm on piano..
yup my trusty but old piano...
we can't bring in our drummer yet, Adi
cuz no space, and we've never done anything like this before...
we still have one problem,
we have nothing to record well...except my crappy built in 1.3megapixel web cam...
you got?

Jay Chou

hey...last night..Kok Ming sent me a Jay Chou song....
which is something new for me, cause i'm a english song typa guy...
but when i heard it...
it was so nice i almost cried!

i'm listening to it over and over again...
too bad i don't know the title,
i didn't know Jay Chou was this great...
uhh, did i offend anyone?

i can picture you guys having a "duh" expression right now.
thinking, "what the heck?! NOw only know!"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

OLd BLog

HEy...i've noticed people refering to this as KJ's old blog...
time to set things straight, this is not my old blog..
it may be untouched and dusty(kinda), but c'mon,


it's time to turn up those speakers...

i would like for you guys to meet this band...i found it on MTV...


hey,,not bad ok...
just get used to the screaming...that's all...

Monday, October 13, 2008

could my dad know about this blog...
hmm..i wonder...
i could have sworn that he was giving me hints...
and girls and whoever reading this..
my name is Chai Kean Jun
i'm from SMK Sri Mutiara.....
i'm 16 years old and i live in Taman Midah..

you think that'll throw him off?
just finished weeding .again. know..
when i was studying in my room...
i taught.."it's so darn boring, i'd do anything other than this"

but after an hour downstairs in the garden,
it makes you think twice and appreciate how nice it is studying in your cosy room....
dark clowds are manifesting above me...
time to take in the clothes
i've haven't been updating you for a while huh bloggy.
you see..
it's the time of all times..
so powerful it can make every teenager groan upon hearing it
exams are coming!..*there should be some thunder and lightning in the background.. more blogging for a while... ever notice..
we learn and learn and study and study.
and for what?
that's why i've been thinking..
we spend almost a year at school.
so that we will know which blank we should blacken
and which essay should be written..

the point of your life when you become a teenager is when you ask yourself...
"why do i go to school for?"

it's not like we're gonna need the skills we learn when we grow up (KH and basic Math can be an exception)
but..please....never ever follow the path of a high school drop out......
well..loook at the time...
gotta go crack the books......
buh bye....

Friday, October 3, 2008

bloggy...guess what? i'm going to Awana at Genting....again
well..sigh...i wonder..why don't i feel excited....
My mom just told me this morning...we're leaving at lunch time and it's for a night's stay...
but when she told me...i was expressionless...with nothing to say and giving her that 'uhuh' face..
is something wrong with me....i must put this into my serious thinking list..
think think think...
so now i'm trying to bright side it..
Cold weather, gorgeous tourist alike, food..
it's been a while since we last went there..maybe there might be new stuff...
you'll never know...
see you tomorrow, i think

Thursday, October 2, 2008

To all visitors that came to my house at Fresh Hill ,30th September 2008...
As hotel manager, I would like to apologise to any party whom did not like the visit.
If there were any circumstance where it (the visit lar!) did not meet to your expectations
please drop off a comment to complain/compliment about it(the visit, how many times huh?).
If it isn't much of a burden, please do copy the following, fill it and
paste it as a comment on this post
yours truly,
manager, Hotel CKJ
Fresh Hill
Ambiance ( /10)
Cleanliness ( /10)
Entertainment ( /10)
Food and drinks ( /10)
Music ( /10)
Toilet? ( /10)
Comfort ( /10)
1.Was this your first visit and if so would you come again?
2.How did you find out about this place?
3.Was my internet connection slow?
4. Did Milo and Ice lemon tea mixed together tasted good? (Kok Ming)
5. Can i keep your pick? (Boon)
6. Was my piano really out of tune? (Eddie)
7. Any suggestions of improving?