
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

i was weedin again as usual....but as i was doing made me think of something...yes yes...i thought!......
here's an analogy by me about life....mind the illustrations ok....
so..... May i present to you....the weed analogy!!!! look at life's problems as a weed...

From above ground.....we only can see it's shoots and leaves...
but underground....ahhh..yes...the unseen part....yup that's right.....the roots...or may we call it the root of the problem...

For many people...they tend to only solve what they can see.......

it's like cutting a weed with a pair of sheers or just stomping it to the's simple and fast
it even shows great results!
Ahha!!!!but the root....yup....the culprit!!...we left it out...
it's because we only analise the top part of it.......without searching any deeper to make sure that the problem's really solved.....
so, to us, is a job well done....but as we all know....problems unfully solved will just come back over and over again no matter how many times we try to solve it...
Sooooo.....what's the lesson?...
always solve problems patiently....never rush it....and make sure to find the root of the problem!..
Hope you liked it!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

the 1st weekday of the holidays is a upon us...and i'm already feeling the boredom....
so..hmm.....what to do? what to do....i know, i'll go finish my homework..and then i'l do my folio..that's right..

note to everyone,

yellow = sarcasm

So don't go crazy when i say Miss Khoo is so hot!!!!

well...recently...i mind's left a blank....hmm...must been all of that studying i did.....
well...u gotta let me don't think for a while...cuz that's what holidays are for right?
to let your brain while i'm in this temporary brain dead stage.... i'll post some questions to keep yall entertained