
Friday, July 25, 2008 continuation of my previous post....where was i...
oh yeah!...boonz party...
Chow's parents sent us was preeetty akward trying to stuff five teenagers at the back of the car.....we planned to put Kok Ming in the boot with my guitar....but we soon found out that there were no air holes....too bad....on the way..we saw didn't realise that it was so darn made SMK Cheras look like chicken poop....well...
we reached boon's place a while later....
that's when we met the party pooper...if i already knew who he was during that time...i'd kicked him so hard that his grandson got hurt...don't worry....kidding....violence don't lead to anything good...who's this party pooper....
well...he's one of boons condo guards....but i'd prefer to refer him as Stoopit Guard...
during the party...we would go..." aiyo..that Stoopit Guard"...."darn it man that Stoopit Guard..."
and so on......
He's just so darn square....oh..yeah...some of you might wonder what i mean by square... friends and i have this term for people.....Square and Circles...
a Square if you must a person who does everything by tha hear people always saying " think outside the box"....well... Squares are the box...if teacher says to do it this way....they'll do it exactly that way....remind you of anyone? But Squares sometimes do not do it as they're told...but usually what they do just makes it more squarer..get what i mean

A circle on the other the complete opposite of a Square....Circles never follow the rules... they do once in while but they bend it...they're ain't so famous around teachers and such...but they do get praises once in a while for thinking outside the box......
I ain't saying being a square or circle is good or bad...but if you ask me....try being oblong..that's right....a hybrid....bending the rules but not so much that you change it completely...

whoa....back to the Party.....
well....if you've been there..or read boon's would know how much of a pain in the ass the guard is...but hey...don't take it out on him...he's just doing his job...
lets see...1st..he chased most of us out of the pool for not having the proper kicking soda cans near the empty playing football at the empty lot....
well...i could say most of the people invited thought it was boring.....but not me...
Every cloud has a silver lining...during the party...i met my old friends....Kong Wei Luek...
Yap Kai it wasn't all bad..but...i wondered...where were the girls?.....i took off my shirt for nothing.....oh yeah..and my doggy paddle lost to brandon's freestyle...impossible!

whoa...i've never blogged so much on a single post....i'll continue next time

Friday, July 18, 2008

ah...finally...a new of you guys might know....some stuff happened during the it or not...i'm gonna post about it....
ok...first thing!...
merentas desa...

well..because of that day....i'm never gonna touch biscuits again....
before the race started...i was busily munching on a pack o' biscuits....
well...i forgot about the 'never run right after eating' rule...
my brain doesn't work quite well in the mornings...
At the start of the was smooth sailing....but after a while....the biscuits started kicking in....
And man...did it hurt or what!..(teeth teeth long)
the whole race..i was running 'old man style' with hands clutching my side...
As more people ran past me..i was like..."why!..oh Why!!" the end i got 26th place...
ok lar..not bad...but the shameful part was that...this year's under 15 group winners were mostly form 1!....a real WTF moment...
After the race....the reaction of Kok Ming resembled a break-up-with-gf-expression....
well....there's always next year...
But eventhough we had a bad day....we couldn't feel bad....cause we knew what was installed next.............
BOOnz party....
to make sure i don't bore you.....i will continue some other time..

Thursday, July 10, 2008

whoa...been real busy this past few days...
and i gotta tell ya...
being a procrastinator ain't much of a help...
oh...what's a procrastinator?'s very simple actually.....
it's a person who does things last minute...always leaving things to be done later...
you know, i was shocked when i found out that there was a term for this kind of people...
finally, a place to belong!
well...i'll show what i mean...

kriing, the school bell rings...last schoolday for the week...
so..come home with homework...thinking of finishing homework today....toss bag onto bedroom floor...
will be left there until tomorrow...

okay...tomorrow...doing homework ...when suddenly...hear your favourite TV show starting....ooh....ditch homework...
At night....okay i will finish my work tonight....a few minutes later...

doomsday....last chance....
MSN first!....then PS2..
Sunday evening....

UNderstand now?...
sound familiar to you?..

Oh yeah, boon...gotta show you something...
remember when i planned with you to do a cover on S.O.S.
i gotta tell you something...i love youtube....

PS....try to concentrate on the song..not the girl....
i know i know..impossible..

PPS.. i added a new feature for this page...
will be called 'random crap'....