
Monday, June 16, 2008

hey...about the friend changing school thing...well, someone, lied to me.... ok...time to set things straight, boon's not changing...hooray..
but in fact there's another guy who's going to SBU...yup..Jay Shen..and today's his last day..i remember when we were in form 1...i made up a rap....i don't remember much..but i'll it goes..( i added some extra bits inside)

Come on everybody, come on over here,
I want to introduce to you someone that you'll fear,
He's Jay Shen i say,
And he is not gay,
He just kinda like girls and kinda like guys,
But please o please don't ask me why,
You see, he sexuality is undetermined,
But hey, don't worry, he still is human,

His bfs and gfs are all unstable,
Always changing, numbers unbelievable,
One day he'll tell me "check out this girl",
"She's mine",
The next day, "wow! look at her",
"I'll give her nine.

Here's an intro for all the tots and little kids,
He's kinda tall and covered with zits,
Basketball's his passion,
He's an enemy to fashion,
He's a football fan,
He thinks Chelsea can,
That means he wears blue bras,
And hates Van Der Sar,
He even goes to cafes, What?!
I mean cyber cafes,
Where he plays CS or dota,
Or anything you gotta,
So, he's the one,
the ultimate sensation,
Who else, Duh,
it's Jay Shen

hope you guys liked it
OH yeah...there's this catchy song i heard on the radio once..i don't know how long ago it came out but nah!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

well, dejavu all over again..don't worry..this time i wasn't banned or don't give me that " don't-you-ever-learn " see...this time...I'm innocent...i swear! was caused by went thru the telephone wire, thru the modem..and then the computer...and oh yeah....i had nothing to do with it....
the com was sent to the shop and till hasn't come back...( i'm thinking of having a welcome back party when it comes back. All faithful viewers are invited. ) So...without the com...i can say bye bye to MSN and all that..

speaking of swearing, i had bet with my friend recently...i must not swear or show anything related to swearing until 6.45 today..think i can make it? and don't money involved..just pride and bragging rights..sounds very kiasu right? well..don't look at me...look at Kok Ming...and uh, Kok Ming, i'm not calling you a kiasu on the offense..

More news...another person from SMKC is about to migrate to SBS..Boon Boon is his name, i'm not gonna stop you from's your decision and i respect it....just make sure you won't turn out to be an....uh.....uh..( no swearing)..ah..awful fellar like Kai Hoong....
but please remember our promise...when we grow up...and your a famous guitarist or have a famous band and i'm a famous rapper or something else...we must consider teaming up... just representing K.J.M. Productions ...u guys should be able to guess what KJM is.....
till next time.